Windows 10 si aggiorna con il Patch Tuesday per le Build 1803 e 1709

    Come ogni settimana, Microsoft ha ufficialmente rilasciato il Patch Tuesday per le Build 1803 e 1709 di Windows 10, scopriamo quali sono le migliorie apportate, invitandovi ad aggiornare i vostri sistemi.

    Windows 10: Tutte le migliorie del Patch Tuesday del 9 Maggio 2018

    L’aggiornamento odierno è rivolto a coloro che hanno già installato l’Aprile 2018 Update o il Fall Creators Update, a seconda della Build che montate. Contrassegnato con il nome in codice KB4103721, di seguito il changelog:

    Build 1803

    • Addresses an issue with the April 2018 Windows Servicing update that causes App-V Scripts (User Scripts) to stop working.
    • Addresses an issue that prevents certain VPN apps from working on builds of Windows 10, version 1803. These apps were developed using an SDK version that precedes Windows 10, version 1803, and use the public RasSetEntryProperties API.
    • Addresses additional issues with updated time zone information.
    • Addresses an issue that may cause an error when connecting to a Remote Desktop server. For more information, see CredSSP updates for CVE-2018-0886.
    • Security updates to Windows Server, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Microsoft scripting engine, Windows app platform and frameworks, Windows kernel, Microsoft Graphics Component, Windows storage and filesystems, HTML help, and Windows Hyper-V.

    Build 1709

    • Addresses an issue in Internet Explorer that might cause communication between web workers to fail in certain asynchronous scenarios that involve multiple visits to a web page.
    • Updates Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge to respect the video preload flag in certain scenarios.
    • Addresses an issue on AMD platforms that causes intermittent loss of USB port functionality after resuming from Hibernate (S4).
    • Increases the user account minimum password length in Group Policy from 14 to 20 characters.
    • Addresses an issue with the April 2018 Windows Servicing update that causes App-V Scripts (User Scripts) to stop working.
    • Addresses an issue that prevents customers from typing Hangul correctly with Microsoft’s Korean IME in Microsoft Word Online.
    • Addresses an issue that prevents customers from selecting a Microsoft add-in on a second monitor.
    • Addresses a known issue in KB4093105 that may cause the message “We couldn’t download Windows Mixed Reality software” to appear on some Windows 10 Mixed Reality devices.
    • Addresses an issue that may cause an error when connecting to a Remote Desktop server. For more information, see CredSSP updates for CVE-2018-0886.
    • Security updates to Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Microsoft scripting engine, Windows app platform and frameworks, Device Guard, Windows kernel, Microsoft Graphics Component, Windows storage and filesystems, Windows Hyper-V, Windows virtualization and kernel, HTML help, and Windows Server.

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