[Download] Wine 1.5.0 rilasciato

A distanza di 2 settimane circa dal rilascio della versione 1.4 di Wine, il team di sviluppo ha reso disponibile la versione 1.5.0 in attesa della 1.6 prevista a breve.

Wine 1.5.0 vanta di numerose novità e cambiamenti tra cui una nuova versione del motore di rendering Gecko, supporto parziale per l’utilizzo del cestino sul Mac OS X, miglioramenti MSXML, correzioni alle architetture a 64bit, bug fixati per un totale di 80.

Installazione di Wine su Ubuntu

Se avete una delle seguenti versioni di Ubuntu : Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric, Ubuntu 11.04 NattyUbuntu 10.10 Maverick e Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid, potete utilizzare i PPA ufficiali se invece utilizzate una versione più recente, aprite il terminale e digitate quanto segue:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install wine1.3

Per coloro che non lo conoscono, Wine è un software che permette di avviare programmi sviluppati per altri sistemi operativi su Linux.

Di seguito vi riportiamo la lista completa e ufficiale dei cambiamenti :

1347 Screen is wiped/blanked on usage of DirectDraw (black screen/desktop)
2784 Mouse movement slows down game
6604 Ship icons for wine tools that can be used in .desktop files
6951 Library MSVCP60.dll not found when running Sony ericsson Theme Creator 3.06
8433 After Burner 3D 1.0 Game – crashes in loding Screen
8531 Run-time error 91 in Senstools
10650 PhotoFiltre take much time to fill empty a draw
12694 Air Rival Crashes after login
13294 Halo 2 fails to start (won’t recognize msvcr80 / msvcp80)
13612 Graphics glitches in the Sam and Max games (just with nVidia?)
13615 Imperium Galactica 2, Solarian & Shinari Campaign, Spying & Trading Crashes
14219 Yarxi starts with errors
15184 Septerra Core crashes due to failed assert
15280 After minimizing Guild Wars and restoring, the mouse is not respondig correctly
15963 Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne crashes when joining a DotA game
16370 iTunes hangs, spams console with unsupported ioctl errors
19074 Error message “Module not found” should be more obvious
19362 Far Cry – Enabling shadow maps produces visual distortions
19685 Women’s Murder Club: Death in Scarlet misses (almost) all texts
19853 Texture corruption in guild war with fglrx 9.8
19905 windowscodec: compiler warnings on OS X
19946 make wine report correctly the graphic chip model when using non nvidia and non fglrx drivers
20033 ApexDC++ 1.2.1 exception
20118 Oblivion slows down with sound
21243 Namco All-Stars Pac-Man demo crashes on startup
21308 Labels not transparent in Microsoft Security Essentials for XP
21508 GURPS Character Assistant Data Update – gca4dataupdate crashes
22031 Age Of Empires III: Sound is muted once the game is started
22214 Portable Apps Thunderbird loses ability to display text
22451 Polybius crashes while loading a new game.
22920 Missing typedef keywords in ws2ipdef.h resulting in multiply-defined symbols
24255 iTunes 10.x does not install correctly
24319 Portable Thunderbird 3.1.3 : Thunderbird can’t retrieve new emails from server
24377 Blade Runner does not install.
24551 Cannot install Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack
24697 Explorer++: missing gradient on the display window
24776 Starcraft 2: Installer text does not show
25371 iTunes 10.1 hangs on installation, wineserver must be killed
25465 SolarWinds Engineers Toolkit (SWET) v10 installer fails to register SNMPv50.ocx (needs Microsoft SNMP management API library “mgmtapi.dll”)
25604 Faerie Solitaire [Steam]: mouse clicks don’t register in the menu
26278 Sims 3 edge smoothing option does nothing
26417 Starcraft 2 – DirectX Mouse Capture broken (fullscreen and windowed)
26730 iTunes: crashes when opening about dialog
26771 Skype 5.3 install freezes
26882 Portal 2: black texture when opening portals with antialiasing enabled
27000 Counter Strike 1.6 – d3d flickering
27349 SafeDisc v2.x API entry analyzer flags Wine’s user32.dll as “bad” (too many exports with PIC loads in prolog code) (SimCity 4, IL-2 FB, NFSU)
27560 Runaway 3 “A Twist of Fate” fails to recognize media on Wine 64Bits (WoW64-aware SecuROM 7.x tries to disable registry redirection/missing advapi32.dll RegDisableReflectionKey)
27596 Font selection dialog appearance is slightly broken
27631 Trucks and Trailers demo launcher shows raw html code
27757 Igneous crashes when opened.
27970 cmd’s attrib command doesn’t accept multiple attributes
28401 .NET Framework 3.0 installation interrupted prematurely
28724 PortableApps Starter Fail
28852 Star Trek Online, sound distorted/stutters
28962 Mount & Blade: WFAS texture quality slider isn’t moving
29507 Rainbow Six Rogue Spear – Mouse pointer movement very slow during mission briefing
29717 IE4 setup wants inetcpl.cpl.DllInstall
29721 makecert from Windows Platform SDK 7.1 crashes due to unimplemented function mssign32.dll.PvkGetCryptProv
29742 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Developer Preview installer crashes due to missing “wevtapi.dll”
29765 Synful Orchestra 2.5.x tpkd.sys driver crashes due to unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.IoStartNextPacket
29891 Symantec VIP Access can not be activated
29894 LibreOffice: sdraw.exe runs out of GDI object handles and crashes on a particular VSD file
29956 Unable to create an empty Jet database file.
30000 iw4mp (Call of Duty MW2 mod) loader crashes because some kernel32.dll API entries are not hotpatchable (DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH missing)
30001 iw4mp (Call of Duty MW2 mod) loader crashes due to iphlpapi.dll GetAdaptersAddresses not hotpatchable (DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH missing)
30005 Acrobat 8: installer action text for INSTALLMESSAGE_ACTIONDATA is not deformated
30011 Paragon Alignment Tool needs kernel32.dll.DeleteVolumeMountPointW
30012 MS Project 2010 crashes at shutdown
30022 Google Earth 5.1 installer crashes
30074 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Developer Preview installer needs stub wusa.exe
30075 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.x CLR needs kernel32.dll WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModule (returning S_OK) to run .NET apps
30108 Ratatouille demo crashes
30115 Perfect World: Skills and items icons messed up
30117 Rig-n-roll2: SetCooperativelevel handles mutually exclusive flags incorrectly
30138 Amazon MP3 Downloader fails to install (single instance test through OpenMutex fails due to incorrect lasterror value)
30146 Xmlhttp sample app doesn’t work anymore
30159 Font replacement doesn’t work
30171 World of Warcraft 64-bit client deadlocks at start
30182 SuperPower 2 demo installation aborted


Giovanni Damiano

Giovanni Damiano

Ritengo che il sapere appartenga a tutti e debba essere condiviso liberamente. Nato con un controller in mano, trascorro le giornate tra stesura articoli, gaming e dirette su Twitch.